
  • Trif LetiÅ£ia Simona University 1 Decembrie 1918 from Alba-Iulia


independent learning, self-regulatory learning, metacognitive skills.


Learning is central to the modern student-centered pedagogy, focusing on skills, not on content, which implies didactical reflections aspects such as analysis of the ways in which students learn and how they study or identifying strategies leading towards a more profound, systematic study. Selfregulated learning and meta-cognitive control are fundamental prerequisites in terms of achieving an active, authentic and effective learning. Planning, organizing, monitoring and evaluation of learning are meta-cognitive processes that develop from and through the experience and the one who is learning, but current research demonstrates that this process can be accelerated. The present research focuses on the ways of development of meta-cognitive skills in SEN pupils. And the objectives formulated aim at assessing the level of knowledge and meta-cognitive awareness of learners with SEN; developing and implementing techniques to metacognitively facilitate learning in the context of educational counseling; the development and implementation of a working algorithm\draft aimed at meta-cognitively developing and making aware the one who learns. The resources involved are: curricular resources specific to the investigated discipline (Biology); cognitive and meta-cognitive resources necessary to optimize learning and self-assessment; social, instrumental support resources, (cognitive and meta-cognitive) by promoting interaction, student-student, student-advisor cooperation, meta-cognitively optimizing learning; declarative and procedural resources relating to implementation of metacognitive strategies of planning, monitoring and evaluation aiming at optimizing the student's learning; methodological and procedural resources, material post-it resources, metacognitive quizzes and self-questioning cards, check list of meta-cognitive behavior, applied online through open-source platform Limesurvey.


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