
  • Adela REDES Kindergarten P.P. „Friendship”


key competences, transversal skills, learning to learn pedagogical approaches and practices.


Initial and life-long learning teachers` training on designing, implementing and evaluating programs competence  approach is based on the concept of cumulative development acquired in formal, non-formal and informal context. (European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (NQF) 2009. Learning based on development key competences is recognised as being an independent and colaborating activity as well and it use rational knowledges. It requires deep changes in classroom practice comprehensive and coherent policies at national, regional and local school levels, investments in both human and material resources and supports, and time for teachers to change mind-sets and develop new pedagogical approaches and practices. (The European Reference Framework of Key Competences defined in the Recommendation on key competences for lifelong learning adopted by the Council and the European Parliament in December 2006).The Recommendation on key competences for life –long learning identifies eight key competences and various transversal themes – which combine knowledge, skills and attitudes – considered as necessary for personal fulfillment and development on becaming active citizens, future teachers for social inclusion and employment in the 21st century. (The Recommendation on key competences for lifelong learning adopted by the Council and the European Parliament in December 2006).



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Dragomir, Mariana, Managementul activitÇŽÅ£ilor didactice, Editura Eurodidact, Cluj, 2003.

Margrain, V. (2012). Noticing, recognising and responding to exceptional learners: Narrative assessment for inclusive learning and teaching. In Centre of Excellence for Research in Inclusive Education. (2012). Inclusive Education: Perspectives on Professional Practice. Auckland. Dunmore Publishing

Ministry of Education (2013). Project interviews (unpublished) during the development of Inclusive Practice and the School Curriculum.

European Commission; EACEA; Eurydice Developing Key Competences at School in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities for Policy Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2012.


