
  • Ahmed Khalid University of Bucharest Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences


Educational process requires an inventory analysis and investigation of communication components; interconnections between them; consequences and capacity development; generating sources of bottlenecks, the manner of expressing them and ways to optimize educational communication; analysis involving of the one part, teachers, on the other students. Teaching communication efficiency is generated by several factors, whose understanding and straightening can reduce the differences that arise between the information the teacher wants to send and what the students understand and keep the information. The factors that determine the efficiency of communication are teacher's personality, the personality of students, psychosocial dimensions of the context and environmental. Increased the influence over members of the educational group can be done by removing barriers in communication. The activity of the didactic communication optimization requires the following steps: analysis and evaluation the quality of teaching communication, identify  nature of the bottlenecks involved in the act of communication, outlining a strategy that is customized depending on the nature and composition of the educational group, implementation of the strategy that has been chosen, the analyze the effects of post-implementation.


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