
  • Alexandra Tania MOS Primary school and kindergarten teacher, Nursery School Pecica


activities, communication, evaluation, children’s speaking


This paper presents activities specific to educating language in
pre-school learning system. Language and communication are one of
the most important areas for all the learning levels. Correct speaking
is the basis for all the human activities, therefore teaching children
to speak literally correctly is a duty that every teacher has. Is is
obvious that educating language and communication is necessary in
all specific activities like: didactic games, stories, stories based on
pictures, dialogues as well as in mathematical activitues, learning
about the environment, drawing, etc. In fact, all types of activities
require that the focus should be on:The correct pronunciation of
specific words;Making correct sentences from a phonological lexical,
grammatical point of view because they speak about actions, describe
specific objectives and evaluate individual and collective activities;
The importance of educating language and communication at preschool
level is placed in the top of the national curriculum in the preschool
educational system. It is largely discussed about and education
is done according to the age of the children. A child is a unique
human, a special one who is continuously growing up to become an
adult. All the knowledge he/she acquires is stored within, in a
personal style, in order to be used when he is an adult.


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