
  • Izabela Niculae Transilvania University of Braosv
  • Ioana Roxana Topala Transilvania University of Brasov


disability, personality factors, achievement despite disability, support groups, psycho-pedagogical profile,


This paper intends to present a psychological analysis (based on data obtained
through tests, interviews, systematic observation, autobiographies analyses, study
of documents etc.) of five case studies of people with disabilities who have
managed to obtain success in different areas of activity, on personal, social and
professional levels, despite their documented handicaps. The main objective of the
paper is to shape a psycho-pedagogical profile of “the winner with disabilitiesâ€,
showing what different individuals with different handicaps have in common (in
terms of functional levels of personality factors, self-esteem, motivation) that
might have facilitated their achievements in different professions. Also, the paper
refers to the support of social groups as an active factor in attaining positive
results for people with disabilities.


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