
  • Maria Magdalena Stan University of Pitesti


professional development, initial and continuous teacher educations, competences, predictors, life long learning,


Professionalism and expertise in the professional domain represent conditions of a
successful professional career. The initial professional formation and
development are not sufficient anymore, they are included in a lifelong learning
process. The specialty literature affirms that teachers’ professional expertise is
reflected not only at the student’s level (student learning and achievement of
students), but also at the level of education quality. The present study proposes to
identify the relation between the internal factors such as personal characteristics
and teacher attitudes toward professional development activities and external
factors and teachers’ participation to continuous formation programs. The
implications of the study can be found at a methodological level, through the
identification of the important factors which influence the teachers’ professional
development and also at a practical-operational level, through the development of
teachers’ continuous formation policies which would lead to a rise in the level of
the participation rate in the continuous formation programs.


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