
  • Cristina Tripon PhD. Assistent Lecturer Teacher Training and Social Sciences Department Politehnica University of Bucharest


teacher training, assessment skills gap,


Evaluation is a highly disputed process in pedagogical literature, largely due to its complexity, but also in view of the fact that educational systems generally place great emphasis on standardized learnerss' testing and less on the use of complementary evaluation methods. Of course, we can not discuss evaluation without questioning the training of teachers in this field. This research aims to address a theme of great practical importance for the parties involved, namely the perception of evaluation from the perspective of teachers and learners. We wanted to know the learners 'views on the evaluation criteria used by teachers in terms of labeling phenomena, as well as the teachers' opinions on how to achieve classroom assessment. We used the interview technique to study behaviors that are difficult to observe, greetings and attitudes, about which there are no written documents in advance.


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