
  • Maria Cristina Popa Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu


grades, students’ wellbeing, teachers’ awareness,


The grade is, in mosteducational systems, a key concept with a strong short-term echo, which influences the student's dynamics in school, but also with a long-term one, through the emergence of attitudes such as those related to competition and social hierarchy. The study analyses quantitatively and qualitatively the factors that stand behind the grade. The participants are 48 students in their first year of university studies. Their grades are examined through their level of interest for a particular subject and through the importance they attach to a certain course having in view their future career. Also, grades are linked to wellbeing factors. Results show that the interest and importance for courses can directly explain the increase and decrease of marks, and the quality of sleep is an essential wellbeing factor that effects school outcomes.


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