In the article “Versality of the meanings of continuity” a selective presentation of the phenomenon of the continuity of modern debates on the functional character of education is made. The scientific crossing of the concept of continuity in pedagogy, in search of its applicative essence, generates a vision that includes as much of the space of the respective phenomenon as possible. Approaching the problem in the title, we do not have a polemical intention in mind, but we want to show why we need to return to this problem, which is actually not a new one. The phenomenon of continuity is examined from various perspectives, from which the idea of a complex process emerges, namely: connection, system, principle, process, legitimacy, requirements, conditions, factors, functions. In order to illustrate some dimensions of continuity in learning, a complex pedagogical experiment was carried out, from which we present a sequence aimed at the initial level of development of children's specific formations within preschool education, based on a technological ensemble of the functionality of integrity - continuity.