
  • Marius BAZGAN Transilvania University of BraÈ™ov
  • Daniela POPA Transilvania University of BraÈ™ov


Diversity seen on ethnical, religious, socio-economical, geographical or historical considerations is a reality that has always accompanied the cultural evolution of mankind. Boosted in recent the decades, assumed politically, economically stimulated and socially necessary, intercultural education has made remarkable progress at the beginning of the third millennium. With its entry into the field of research, intercultural education has gradually gained more and more partisans (linguists, sociologists, psychologists, economists, politicians) currently being, ideologically, in the center of the educational systems of some traditional democratic states. Corroborating the contributions of many researchers in the field of education, concerned with defining, explaining and operationalization of the intercultural education aims, we propose in this article to value in a comprehensive theoretical synthesis, the main lines of research that have focused on the conceptualization of intercultural competence.


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