
  • Daniela POPA Transilvania University of BraÈ™ov
  • Marius BAZGAN Transilvania University of BraÈ™ov


Contemporaneous society, through its challenges, exercises a powerful pressure on the members. Today, more than ever, the individual is responsible for his evolution, for the adaptation to a rapidly changing environment. Underachievement in school or employment emerges from a lack of self-regulation of behavior in these areas. This article aims to be a comparative analysis of the main relevant models of self-regulated learning. We focus our research on Zimmerman’s, Pintrich’s and Boekaerts’s models of self-regulated learning to highlight the main components of this concept. We used as criteria: the nature of self-regulated learning, the assumptions, the design, the relations between components, the innovative aspect of each model. The paper represents a qualitative research that try to find how we can foster the accountability for the development of self-regulated learning in our students.



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