evaluation, academic professor, student, professor-student relationship, psycho-social implications of evaluationAbstract
Lately, the timing and process of evaluation seem to have become very important for the dynamics and regulation of the education system and in determining the quality of its performance. In achieving pupils'/ students' quantitative and statistical performance, but also qualitative, more spiritual (less targeted by the administrators of the system and by researchers in formal education), a decisive role is played not only by the level of the results obtained in tests/ exams but also by the psychosocial atmosphere in which evaluative situations take place. The study captures and presents some of the options of a group of teachers from UPG Ploieşti regarding several dimensions of the psychosocial context of evaluation and draws attention to the fact that the evaluative act is not confined - as we tend to believe - only on the technical, quantitative, standardized aspects, but includes, on the one hand, the evaluator's vision of the state of the evaluated individual before, during and after the exam and, on the other hand, the attitude of the teacher-evaluator in view of creating an atmosphere conducive to the best performance of that student in the exam.References
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