family pedagogy, parent education, socio-educational interventionAbstract
Considering the continuous amplification of the unit between
psychocentrism and sociocentrism generated by the psychological and sociological
curriculum substantiation, the current social pedagogy paradigm defines and analyzes
education from the perspective of social requirements, having as its general function
the optimization of the relationships between school and community, with consistent
applications at the family level (family pedagogy). Family pedagogy as a research
direction and social pedagogic action answers parents’ need to be helped in educating
their children as better as possible. The quality of a “good parent†requires effort and
specialty training, continuous improvement and self-improvement, and is based on
science, on competence and skill, supposing even a certain vocation. This study
valorizes the perceptions, representations, motivations and attitudes of experts with a
rich experience and serious concerns in supporting the educative function of family,
interested in making parents responsible and involving them in their own shaping to
change family practices and optimize parental behaviors in favor of the harmonious
development of children’s personality.
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Interview Guide
How long have you been a form teacher /school counselor
/psychologist/doctor/social assistant?
How often do you have meetings with parents?
In what circumstances do you perform/did you perform
educational/psychological/intervention counseling activities for and in favor of pupils
and their parents? Briefly describe the work with parents!
What types of needs did parents express when you had relations with them in
different contexts?
Do you consider that parental education can contribute to the increase of the
quality of the children’s education process and their wellbeing? Argue your answer
In your opinion, what types of activities could form the object of a special
program of parental education circumscribed to family pedagogy?