
  • Henrietta TORKOS University assistant, Ph.D. student, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad


outdoor education, new education types, new learning methods, perceptions of teachers,


In our modern society, there is a continuous development. This development requires new approach in the educational field. In order to fulfill the progressive need that society is bringing towards the formal and non-formal educational fields, teachers have to be ready to continuously learn and develop themselves. The ideal situation would be that educational institutes overcome this need, before these even appear. This mean that teachers have to always be a step before society and to prepare competent individuals, ready to integrate in the society and develop and change, mostly adapt in every situation, completing its needs efficiently. One of the most effective ways of doing this is to permanently develop, learn and participate to classes where they can learn about new methods and even new education types, so that ultimately they can apply them in their classes. In this work, we would like to present a study on the situation of one new education type, or educational method as it is used by the group of analysis, which is outdoor education, and also to present the perceptions and actual knowledge of a number of teachers from Arad. The main method used was the questionnaire and there were 117 preschool and primary school teachers that responded, also a smaller number of sociologists, psychologists and teachers that work in the field of special education.


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