doi> 10.24250/JPE/1/2020/AME/CE
opinions; future teachers; new educations; integration.Abstract
The new educations are adapting to the present, and are connected as a priority to the future, to the possible challenges of the evolution of the world. The new educations represent, in a way, a contour of the pedagogical current affirmed at the beginning of the twentieth century, under the name of "New education", which was centered on the renewal of the educative-educated methodological report. The new educations are focused, in particular, on new objectives and messages, which determine the contents and strategies of education in the conditions of the contemporary world.
Through the questionnaire-based survey method, the study centralizes and analyzes the opinions of 52 students, future teachers, related to the implementation of new education in pre-university education. The 14-item questionnaire is its own conception, and includes questions regarding three areas of interest: the presence / absence of new education in its own formation of future teachers, barriers and their benefits in the current education system, respectively, the role of new education in developing skills the students. By analyzing the answers given by the future teachers, we can conclude that they like the integration of the new education in the pre-university education, consider that they contribute to the development of the social competences of the students, increase the capacity of their responsibility, facilitate the stimulation of the creativity and contribute to the training of the skills of technological means.
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