

  • Liana Crisan-Tausan Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca


academic and professional orientation; teenagers; the factors of academic and professional orientation; the opportunities for career development;


Academic and career guidance, seen as a component of the instructional-educational process, constitutes one of the fundamental objectives of the education system. Hence the important role that school plays in the training and education of individuals and, therefore, in their academic and career guidance. The most important role in academic and professional orientation lies with the school, as it trains the personality of the student (and implicitly the traits necessary for choosing an educational and career path). If school is considered the main factor in education, having a major importance in orientation, the role of family and other decisive factors should not be minimized either when it comes to the students’ choices. The purpose of the investigation was to evaluate the weight and influence of the factors involved in teenagers’ choice of academic and career path. We assumed that the role of the school in the decision of academic and professional orientation of teenagers is diminished in comparison to the role of the other factors, in which case taking measures regarding the revaluation of the importance assigned to schools in the academic and professional orientation process could lead to an optimization of the process. In this context, we consider it necessary to emphasize the role that school has to play in this regard, especially by intensifying the activities of the school counsellors in the direction of academic and professional orientation, in parallel with increasing the collaboration with the teenagers’ families, in order to achieve influences that are well-grounded, motivated and concordant between the school and the family.


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