

  • Liana CRISAN-TAUSAN University of Cluj-Napoca


online instructive-educational activities; didactic methodology; current educational paradigms; the active and interactive teaching methods;


Among the directions of action and study in which the current didactic tendencies
are concretized at the level of educational practice, we emphasize: the
intensification and streamlining of the learning process; promoting
collaborative, cooperative relationships between teacher and student that would
facilitate the student’s individual work and the capitalization of their individual
skills; identifying strategies and forms of organization of the didactic activity
that involve the students in a responsible manner, while being at the same time
operative and productive; ensuring a permanent feedback in the information
circuit between teacher and student. The problem under study is to what extent
these directions for the restructuring of the educational reality, and especially
the teaching strategies, which emerged and developed in response to the
challenges of the contemporary world and are reflected in the principles of the
new educational paradigm, are found in the educational practices specific to
instructive-educational activities conducted online. Through the application of
a questionnaire to a group of first- and second-year students, we aimed to
identify their perception of the teaching methodology used in conducting online
instructive-educational activities. The purpose of the investigation was to
identify the extent to which the active and interactive teaching methods that are
valued by current educational paradigms are used in conducting online teaching

Author Biography

Liana CRISAN-TAUSAN, University of Cluj-Napoca

Department with Psycho-Pedagogical Profile Technical


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