
  • Marinel Negru Teacher training faculty, Belgrad


It is often believed that students’ reading is limited to belletristic. Due to this reason the other teachers are less interested in students’ reading, except the school textbooks. Students’ lectures should be more varied and embrace all fields: mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, geography, history, modern and classical languages. The teacher must be to date with everything that is in his area and inform the students on these things to prevent the situation in which the student does not know what to buy at the library. Certainly, to recommend some books should not lead to an ordered purchasing and reading of them. This will leads to an overuse of students’ interest in reading and turning a certain chore that students pay without much pleasure. Even reading an interesting book loses its charm when it is imposed.

Author Biography

Marinel Negru, Teacher training faculty, Belgrad



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