
  • Gabriel Laurentiu Tîru West University of Timisoara (Romania), Sociology Department, Lecturer PhD
  • Carmen Maria Ţîru


perception, attitudes, disability, accommodation, university.


The physical or curricular accommodations and adaptations are realities less known at the Romanian university level.  Although, at the international level there is a constant interest for the study of various aspects of these accommodations, at individual and institutional level, in Romania these analyses are at the explorative stage level. The goal of the article was to describe the perception of the teachers from West University of Timișoara on different types of accommodations for students with disabilities. A cluster sample of university teacher was included in the research (n=248). The sample was defined considering the number of teachers from each faculty of the university. The results of the study were presented in a descriptive manner, specifying the obtained percents for each type of accommodation. The conclusion of the study was pointing that every accommodations which must be implemented at the university level were obtained similarly and a high level means. Relating to teachers’ attitude on the type of accommodations which must be introduced in the educational process, the most frequently choose by the respondents was the allowing of using the computer in the classrooms.  


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