transversal competences, learning to learn, future teachersAbstract
Using methods and techniques of effective lifelong learning, for training and continuous professional development is one of the transversal competences that the "Pedagogy of Primary and Preschool Education (PPPE)" study program should develop in students, future teachers. The cross-curricular status of these competences does not exclude the need and possibility for its development in a training context, precisely delineated, at the level of an academic discipline. This article focuses on the experience generated by the introduction in the curriculum of such a discipline- "Effective learning techniques", for the PPPE students, since the academic year 2015-2016 at "Lucian Blaga" University in Sibiu. Capitalizing on the analysis of the students' products and of their answers in a structured interview, the study provides a blueprint for this training experience, from the perspective of those involved in such an endeavor.
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