parenting style, emotional intelligence, self-esteem, adolescents.Abstract
This study aims to identify the level of emotional intelligence and
self-esteem in adolescents and correlations between these
characteristics and perceived parenting styles mother. The sample
consists of 187 adolescents in grades XI and XII , aged between 17
and 18 years old, studying in schools in Romania, the contes Timis,
Caras - Severin, Hunedoara. The working tools used in the study are
intended to identify the scale Rosenberg self-esteem, parenting
eucationale inventory models Embu and emotional intelligence
assessment questionnaire (adapted by Mihaela Roco Bar-On and D.
Goleman). Analysis and interpretation of statistical data ilustrated
the existence of positive and negative correlations, statistically
significant between certain parenting styles perceived by adolescents
their self-esteem and their emotional intelligence.
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