
  • Daniela Mihaela Florescu Casuta Bucuriei Kindergarten No. 11, Brasov


activating methodology, narrative capacities, self-created stories,


In order to determine the influence of the activating methodologies in the
development of narrative capacities in pre-school children, an attempt was made
to outline an explicit and activating orientation in the structuring of activities
towards the development of narrative capacities within the personal development
activities.We have dealt with methodological development issues in this context
the narrative capacities of pre-schoolers through self-created stories. We
started from two questions:How can the didactic approach be conceived to foster
the development of narrative capacity? and What is the impact of activating
methodologies on developing the ability to create stories?We trained the children
into an explicit program of self-development, a personal development program
(ADP), demonstrating positive influence for the development of this capacity.As
far as the results of the research are concerned, it is desirable to develop and
continuously redefine and renew the activating methodologies used by the preschoolers.


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