
  • Maria Alina Breaz PhD, “Aurel Vlaicu” University, Arad
  • Cosmin GOIAN Universitatea de Vest Timisoara


intellectual disability, school children, game-based learning training,


The author presents in the theoretical framework some theories about intellectual
disability, common in the literature; the characteristic features of this and the
programs of recovery. The research is based on the idea that if a group of children
with intellectual disability is subject to a game-based learning training, then they will
make significantly greater progress than a group of children with intellectual
disabilities who did not benefit from this training. On a group of 43 children were
measured the progress made by half of them who underwent this training through the
game. The results recorded after inferential data processing confirm the validation of
departure assumptions. It can be concluded that the intervention program structured
on different types of games has a high efficiency, which determines the need to
introduce game activities to help children with intellectual disabilities to express
themselves more easily within a framework appropriate from an emotional and
educational point of view.


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