intelligence, creativityAbstract
The psychology of our days promotes the idea that any human being has the capacity to be creative, but for this to happen there are a series of factors necessary to be involved. Guilford, the father of creativity, emphasizes the involvement in creativity of non-intellectual factors, but still considers that it remains under the condition of intelligence.
Based on this fact, the present study researches convergent thinking as an important factor of the development of creativity and the variation of creativity in the school environment according to certain particularities, like the age and the background of the pupil.
Contemporary education is dealing with the issue of creative learning, which is defined as a “form of teaching that, as a ultimate purpose, creates individual and collective behaviors which are oriented towards the search, the discovery and the realization of the newâ€. (Åžchiopu,1992). Therefore, creative teaching entails: personal initiative and independent work, belief in one’s own strengths, positive reactions to the demands of the environment.
Creativity will become more and more a needed ability in the future and civilizations will thrive according to the measure of creativity they display. Creativity is therefore a problem that can determine the survival in time and space. (Roco, M.2001)
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