Perceived social support and Anxiety: A correlational analysis
Perceived social support; anxiety; social anxiety; performance anxiety.Abstract
Exposure to a varied environment (associated with a reduced capacity for predictability or tolerance to social dynamics) can lead to anxiety for some individuals. In these situations, we look for recourses to overcome the dysfunctions generated by anxiety in the sense of increasing the degree of adaptability to the social environment. Perceived social support can be one of these resources. In this light, the current investigation has the objective to identify the relationship between perceived social support (i.e. Attachment, Social Integration, Reassurance of Worth, Reliable Alliance, Guidance, and Opportunity for Nurturance) and anxiety (i.e. Social Anxiety and Performance Anxiety). The sample consisted of 71 individuals (between 19 and 52 years, with an average age of M = 35.04, SD: 9.95) from Romania. Anxiety was measured with the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale and perceived social support with the Social Provisions Scale. Results highlighted the significant negative association between perceived social support and anxiety. The results of this study can offer relevant information to stimulate the reconsideration of social support in the reduction or prevention of the development of anxiety and can support educators or counselors who work with young individuals.
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