A modern teacher needs to be equipped with up-to-date knowledge, interesting practical solutions and educational inspirations. The role of a teacher is not only to support child development, which is undoubtedly the most important value in education, but also to create favourable conditions for children to discover the world in a multi-intelligent way.
Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences is well-known and valued all over the world. It has significant influence on education in many different countries. MI theory enables humans to assess or evaluate their own abilities and take into account the other person's perspective. Every teacher should individually discover Gardner’s theory, build a store of knowledge of multiple intelligences, and finally decide how to implement it effectively in the teaching-learning process.
Hopefully, the authors’ concept of Multi-intelligent education for the child will not only inspire the teachers and provoke reflections on their everyday pedagogical activities, but also motivate them to take up innovative educational projects and activities in order to create better opportunities for all students. In some way, the teacher is able to “create†a student through discovering his/her interests and abilities. In the process of pre-school, and then school education, in everyday situations teacher-student relationships are established.
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