Methodology and Method in Scientific Research
methodology, method, scientific practice, methodological principles, methodological control.Abstract
The aim of this article is to operate the
conceptual distinctions between the methodology of
research and the methods, techniques, procedures and
instruments of research. In the first part of the article, we
make an analysis of the interpretations given to
methodology, insisting upon the distinctions between
general methodology and the specialized methodologies of
the different fields of research. The second part of the
article tries to highlight the principles that stand at the
basis of the functioning of research methodology (the unity
between theory and practice, between theory and practice
and between the deductive and evaluative judgments), as
well as the distinctions between qualitative and
quantitative methodologies. In the last part of the article
we systematize the characteristics of the research method
and the different criteria according to which they can be
used in the practice of scientific research.
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