educational policies, inclusive education, ICT competences, teacher education, program evaluation,Abstract
For a successful inclusive education, the teachers have required and participated in additional training. However, the information and communication technology (ICT) for inclusive education is seldom covered, and a model of effective training is not available. The current study aimed to evaluate a teachers’ training on ICT for inclusive education. The training unfolded in class and online with group and individualized activities. The evaluation aimed to improve the training’s planning, content, and format. A pre-training questionnaire, the participant’s portfolio, a post-training questionnaire, and trainers - trainees discussions provided data for evaluation. The theoretical framework followed the Kirkpatrick’s model of evaluation. The results showed that the training met the participants’ expectations and it was positively appreciated. Also, the participants express confidence that the acquired ICT skills will help them achieve inclusive education in class. Overall, the methods and the training format can be replicated.References
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