
  • Adriana Nicu „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania


educational policies, teacher training, initial training, teaching competence


Educational policies on teacher education are in a continuous changing and have different forms for schooling levels. Are the routes of teachers' initial training for preschool and primary education still oscillating: medium level and/or higher level? Neither the National Education Act (2011) and any documents of the two agencies concerned and teacher training (ARACIP and ARACIS) do not clarify the relationship between the two routes to professionalize teaching. The initial teacher training for these education segments is only one aspect of the complex issues that the teaching profession is dealing with: role and status, selection and recruitment, evaluation and control inputs and outputs of the system, supply and demand, differentiated funding and remuneration, expectations and teachers' motivation etc.This article attempts to summarize the pros and cons of the two routes in the professional existence and their effects on teaching training skills. The teacher, especially the preschool and primary education teacher, ensures the start for all other professions.



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