
  • Doina USACI Transilvania University of BraÈ™ov
  • Georgiana CONSTANTIN Transilvania University of BraÈ™ov


The socio-emotional skills development is aimed to improve emotional knowledge and social behaviours required for obtaining desirable and sustainable outcomes. Since the approach designed, developed and implemented for the development of preschool children’s socio-emotional competence is based on rational-emotive and behavioural education, this paper aims at theoretical and practical aspects of the literature related to rational-emotive and behavioural therapy and education with emphasis on their applicability to kindergarten activities.

The practical dimension therefore requires the consideration of the relationship between cognition, emotion and behaviour, of the intervention techniques to restructure irrational beliefs in order to develop social and emotional skills, through identifying and then changing irrational beliefs into rational ones.

The issue of socio-emotional skills’ development has a high level of applicability in terms of potentialities and trans-disciplinary approach, regarding ways of entering the area of concern, analysis and exploitation of research results.

For this demarche of socio-emotional skills’ development in pre-schoolers, I used a qualitative research, on a sample of 34 preschool children, with the psycho-pedagogical observation as a tool with high degree of objectivity in measuring the analysed variables and within a high time horizon in terms of data collection, the results being recorded in an observation grid. The observation grid items were adapted from „The psychological observation and characterization of kindergarten children for school entrance†(Clinciu, 2005).

In order to identify the dysfunctional emotions felt by the children, I used the scale for dysfunctional negative emotions, an intuitive diagnostic tool containing physiological and behavioural indices of emotion manifestation. This scale is part of the „SELF KIT – Programme of socio-emotional skills’ development in children†(Opre, 2010).

In addition to the psycho-pedagogical observation grid and social and emotional skills’ development in preschool children, we also chose to implement a pedagogical experiment.


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