
  • Doina USACI Transilvania University of BraÈ™ov


Personality, abnormal personality, parental education strategies, dimensions of parental behavior, alienated family behaviors


This paper presents the most relevant parentig strategies and their impact on personality development. Abnormal personality follows the same type of evolution as the normal personality, in terms of the nature of the determinants factors of development. The quality of these factors and their actions makes the difference. We have presented some factors: (1) family educational practices, (2) parental education strategies (3) dimensions of parental behavior (4) alienated family behaviors and their impact on the the development of abnormal personality. All these inadequate educational strategies will disrupt the normal process of personality development, alter the child's self-image, his cognitive schemas, relational modalities, and increase the risk of building a rigid, defensive personality. Early identification of such risks and intervention on the child and family may have real prophylactic and curative effects.


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