curriculum, life skills, efficiency, transdisciplinarityAbstract
A significant number of training courses have been done under a kind of â€franchise†without any kind of concern to adapt the course to the spirit and the specificity of the trainees in each national context.From 1929 to 2015 an interesting evolution of these models can be noticed, intimately connected to the definition of curriculum concept. In essence, these models are either centered on curriculum design issues, or on the processof the curricular approach, either on each of the actors of the educational process. But almost all of them tend to imply elements of the learning situation, worded differently as learning experience or learning opportunity. One of them are considered product models (focused on objectives or competencies) which stress a high level of control of teacher and a great importance of contents to be learned; others are focused on process with a high level of involvement for students who are supposed to have the possibility of choice and a strong focus on social and life skills.
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