
  • Letitia Trif


professional competencies/skills, professional development, early childhood education, self-evaluation.


Knowing what the mandatory competencies that the teacher must hold in all areas presented in the standards, they will be able to reflect on their pedagogical training, both theoretical and practical, and will be able to assess his job performance. Each field of expertise is as important and in close cross-correlation and interdependence with the others. Following their self-assessment, the teacher can make a professional development plan and seek formal or informal ways enrichment and improvement of their skills. Reflection on their own practice and the obtained results represent an important milestone in professional development. Adapting to new contexts, new change is fundamental for the educator. Professional standards offer support to teachers in this process of reflection and adaptation.Professional standards for teachers are an important milestone in the assessment and self-assessment of teachers. Each teacher assesses the acquirement of competencies according to the indicators proposed by the national professional standards. Following this evaluation the teacher may assess critically and reflexively which are the areas of competencies where better training is required, being able to conceive, along with other teachers, institutional plans for professional development which would come with ways to improve educators (exchanges, methodical work in methodical committees, training courses with specific themes etc.) aimed at improving the competencies in those areas where they registered lesser preparation. The research targets the standard of professional development containing the following professional skills: consultation of specialized materials; participation in continuous education courses; reflection on their work to improve outcomes; teamwork with teachers and other professionals in order to improve teaching activity.

Author Biography

Letitia Trif

University 1 Decembrie 1918 from Alba-Iulia


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