Looking for a Job: the Orientation Process for Persons with Disabilities
disability, employment, recruiting online, lifelong guidance, self-orientation.Abstract
If finding a job is currently difficult for many people, for those with disabilities it actually is a path with many obstacles. The ONU Convention on persons with disabilities rights is in line with the basic concepts of the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020, which supports programs against discrimination, and adopts equal opportunities and active inclusion as priorities. In the European and national policies for the realization of the objectives and strategies of "Lisbon 2010" and "Horizon 2020", lifelong guidance is recognized as a permanent right for every person. The main objective of the research is to develop a self-orientation online path that helps to increase and improve the match between disabled people and businesses in the country and internationally. The purpose is to collect data about each transition: from school to university, from university to the first entry into the labor market, from the first work experience to the stabilization of the employment. The collection of data will be analyzed, considering job as a means for self-realization and not only for the mere subsistence.References
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