Learning to read: suggestions for teachers and educators regarding dyslexic children


  • Magda Maria Dabrowska Phd student Macerata University (IT)
  • Paola Nicolini Associate Professor Macerata University (IT)


dyslexia, educational and didactic approach, guidelines, specific learning disorder


Problems in reading development are part of Specific Learning Disorders, which are called dyslexia. The main objective of the research is to synthesize the most important theories, authors and researches results on dyslexia to create guidelines for teachers and educators. The guidelines will be helpful in the education and teaching-learning process at school to support teachers in their educational and didactic choices. In fact, every dyslexic child has a personal profile that has to be identified, in order to support him/her in the learning path with the right instruments and advice. The purpose is to work out a table containing details on different approaches to dyslexia, such as authors, theories, hypothesis on causes, educational and didactic methods, technological devices, games, etc.


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