small engineers, preschool, children, graph omotors kills, visual perception,Abstract
The paper first examined the complexity of the preschool
institution and assessed the status of petty motoring for children
entering the first grade of the Elementary School, and the
nestablished the relationship between the indicators of petty motor
is mof children on the one hand and the length of attendance at the
preschool institution from one, two, three and many years on the
other. The aim of the research is to determine whether and how
much attendance of a preschool institution affects the development
of graphomotor readiness and visual perception in children going
to school. In other words, this research was supposed to find out
whether attendance at a preschool institution was a determinan to
the development of petty motorism in children. The results obtained
on a sample of 141 children do not confirm the assumption that the
length of attendance at the preschool institution influences the
indicators of fine motoring of children be fore enrollment in school.
The variance an alysis showed that the difference sbetween groups
and with ingroups were random because the F-test values F =
0.708 with 2 degrees of freedom between groups and 138 degrees of
freedom within groups and p = 0.494 for the edge ornament and F
= 1.050 with 2 degrees of freedom between groups and 138 degrees
off reedom within groups and p = 0.353 for a special test are not
statistically significant. From the presented results, the
iranalyzesand discussions, the basic conclusiono fthe research was
drawn out, which states that the attendance of preschool in
stitutions for one, two, three and more years does not influence the
development of petty motoring in children. The obtained finding
implies that the tests, the edge ornament and the special test, wereÂ
quite difficult for children from the sample, which is explained
primarily by the maturation of the structure, but alsoby specific
learning and exercise that would contribute to the child's overall
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