
  • Danica DZINOVIĆ Faculty of Teacher Training, University
  • Vladan PelemiÅ¡
  • NebojÅ¡a Mitrović


pre-school children, linear regression analysis, sexual dimorphism


The reasearch involved a sample of 94 subjects of preschool age of six and seven, divided into two subgroups: 50 boys and 44 girls, who attended pre- school institution "11 April" in New Belgrade. The study applied twelve anthropometric measures to assess the morphological characteristics as the system of predictor variables and one motoric test to assess coordination of the whole body as the criterion variable. The main goal of this research is to determine the effect of morphological characteristics on the coordination of pre-school children. The research has found a statistically significant effect of the predictor system on the criterion variable for female subjects (R = 65; R2 = 0.42; p = 0.05), while it can not be concluded for male subjects (R = 61; R2 = 0.38; p = 0.08). Based on the standardized regression coefficients Beta it can be concluded that none of the predictor variables has statistically significant effect on the criterion variable (pbeta> 0.05) in both groups.


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