
  • Henrietta TORKOS University assistant, Ph.D. student, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad


risk, management, outdoor education, learning experiences, teachers oppinion,


Outdoor education is a new type of education, and it is also used
as a learning method. In this article, we would like to present, mainly
the results of a brief research on the risks that are involved in
outdoor education activities. Also we would like to show the opinions
of teachers regarding this topic, and the main reasons they don’t
integrate outdoor learning in the daily activities of their classes.
These results are the outcome of a research that was made in Arad
County that involved a number of 120 teachers, from primary and
preschool educational field, and some of them belonging to other
educational areas, such as sociology, psychology and even different
middle school subjects. The main instrument used was the
questionnaire. Conclusions show a great interest of primary and
preschool teachers regarding this topic and they show openness to
find out more about how to offer quality education, even through
outdoor learning activities.


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