
  • Alina Felicia Roman PhD. “Aurel Vlaicu” University, Arad
  • Editha COȘARBÄ‚ Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania


teacher, competencies, professional skills, abilities.


For teachers, to fulfill their high quality, performing, and efficient duty, they must
create a vast range of qualities, competencies, used to define them as a specialist,
scientist, person of culture, educator, citizen and manager. The teacher meets a
somewhat important occupation, to be part of their students or pupils influence
when it comes to forming their personality and to prepare them for their future
socio-professional, moral and citizen activities. The competencies of the didactic
staff represent an ensemble of cognitive, affective, motivational and managerial
capacities that interact with their personal traits. These didactic and professional
competences are formed throughout the time and are but a combination of
everyone’s very knowledge, abilities and adequate attitudes. The efficiency of the
didactic staff is made up by, firstly, the results of the students’ or pupils’ instructiveeducational
processes, and secondly, the competences that define them and are
recommended to them, as specialist, with the aim of raising students’ or pupils’
personalities. These competences, once gained, will face changes and may be
enhanced throughout career.


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