attitudes, buildup, outdoor education, competencies, group,Abstract
Outdoor education has come to the point where, besides being a modern teachinglearning
method, it can easily develop certain competencies if it is done according to
strategical rules. Modern education is based on the development of competencies and
the curriculum motivates the use of activities that can build these in children of any
age. One of the most important parts of a competency is the attitude of pupils towards
oneself, others and learning. This study, presents the theoretical base of attitudes as
parts of competencies and how pupils can achieve them through formal education. It
also presents a research amongst a group of second graders from Arad County based
on outdoor learning activities and the multiple ways in which these can develop
attitudes in the research group. We are going to present the instruments and the
results, which preliminarily show that involving kids in outdoor learning activities can
successfully develop positive attitudes towards self, society, the micro group and
towards learning.
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