The increasing “mobility†of the labour market and the increasing “flexibility†of social life induced in the last decade an abrupt exacerbation of the issues of social inclusion (social integration). Most of the East-European countries and specifically Romania and Bulgaria are newly intensively confronted with the problem of the disadvantaged populations (marginalised ethnic-groups). The improving of the living conditions and the social inclusion of the most disadvantaged/vulnerable people (Roma, persons with disabilities, children at risk, and victims of domestic violence) are the main targets of a large number of international projects and programmes. The Roma population for example focussed in the last decades intensively the public opinion. The debates on the political level and the concerns of the specialists increased in the last years, and this not only in the countries of origin but also in almost all West-European countries. Despite the impressive amount of support programs, aid projects, activities, initiatives, actions on the national, regional and local level, initiated and implemented with the aid of an impressive logistics and financing, the social inclusion of the vulnerable groups remain one of the unsolved problems of modern Europe. In most of the cases the results of such projects remained less relevant and the impact (the gap) between the profoundly different and not compatible cultures also remained significant.ÂReferences
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