Being a Teacher in the Inclusive School
inclusive education, integrated education, children with SENAbstract
Why this topic? Because our official statistics force us to talk abou it - almost 20% of school age children are not enrolled in the educational system. Measures taken have not proven to be viable solutions. We propose a responsible approach of dropout by extending the term inclusive school and adressing the inclusive teacher‟s skills. To promote inclusive classes or schools means a win for all students and teachers. I submitt to your reflection two concepts that are commonly used in meetings, debates and events that have been discussing (for more than ten years) the need for change in education. These concepts are 'integration' and 'inclusion', often used indiscriminately. Inclusive education reflects the values of a fair and democratic society that offers everyone equal opportunities to enjoy human rights and human development goals [6]. In other words, `inclusion` emphasizes the idea that schools and education in general must change and adapt to student needs, must value diversity and find solutions to the needs of different types of learners, while `integration` signals the need do something for the marginalized population - individuals or groups - by the standards and conditions of the dominant social group.References
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