
  • Elena-Simona INDREICA Transilvania University of BraÈ™ov
  • Ramona HENTER Transilvania University of BraÈ™ov


Discrepancies that occur between the objective and subjective perception of the same phenomenon are reflected in contradictory experiences and generate gestures and mother and baby do unconsciously. Synergological reading conducted in the communication process between mother and child decodes divergent messages and inhibits the interrelationship. The child instinctively “reads†the adult’s unconscious gestures that betray his real thoughts, and reacts strongly to them - by explosive or implosive negativism. The mother usually pays more attention closer to the verbal communication and captures only fragmentary gestures made unconsciously by the child. Among the objectives of our study there were the analysis of the range of unconscious gestures, the recording of the frequency of their manifestations in mother-child dyads, and establishing the correspondence between gestures, events and contexts. The sample included 27 mother-infant pairs, the subjects being monitored in four different contexts. The instruments used were: an observation grid comprising synergological indicators, a questionnaire targeting the mother - child relationship, a test of decoding unconscious gestures. The conclusions drawn from the data processing revealed many aspects that will be detailed in this article.



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