education reform, curricular reform, constructivist paradigm, humanistic paradigm, postmodernist educationAbstract
Among the lines taken into account in the reform of Romanian education, the reform of the curriculum is an essential segment and this is now a distinct theme in the sciences of education. The Curricular reform program represents a coherent approach to the educational national policy, designed and developed in line with current European trends and practices. The new approach to the National Curriculum has generated a different type of culture curriculum characterized by: centering the process of teaching on skills training objectives and skills; focusing on transforming the school teacher in a school by promoting student-centered interactive learning methods; cultivating students' creative skills and the creation of various learning situations; an inter and trans-disciplinary approach to school curriculum; the curriculum approach correlated with school performance and evaluation issues of initial and ongoing training of teachers. Following the major reform of education, adherence to the principles of the new educational paradigms – which appeared and were developed in answer to the need of adapting education to the challenges and changes of our contemporary world – is increasingly present in the educational process in Romania.References
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