
  • Mihaela Gavrila-Ardelean PhD, Assoc.Prof. „Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad
  • Laurence FOND-HARMANT Department of Population Health, Luxembourg


questionnaire, methods, methodologies, project, evaluation,


Santé Publique, Santé Mentale, Employabilité en Europe (SPSM),
is a European Project developed by francophone countries in:
2014-2017. Through the project, training modules for
professionals have been built.The aim of the research is to
present the methodologies employed to construct evaluation
questionnaires, and the methods used to built statistical grids in
SPSM Erasmus+ Project.Research methods: the evaluation of
the SPSM Project was realized after the construction of
Knowledge Assessment Questionnaire for Occupational Insertion
Professionals for people with chronic mental diseases, and the
other one is: Project Management Assessment Grid. First scale
is a questionnaire comprising 24 items. It assesses the level of
knowledge before and after the training module (Pilot Seminar).
This procedure allows us to compare groups of items. The results
are 2 questionnaires applied in the project assessment. The
obtained results have enabled professionals to improve their
skills through better course content.


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