Psychiatry, Mental Health, Tutoring, Professionals, Continuous training, Ottawa Charter, WHO, crisis.Abstract
Crises have effects on the qualifications and contents of
training programmes. The vocational crisis in the mental
health sector offers an opportunity to reactivate the European
initiative in the form of cooperative exchanges. Financed by
the European “Erasmus+, Strategic Projects†programme,
TuTo (2014-2017) is a European tutoring programme
addressed to young psychiatric and mental health
professionals. It is widely recognised that, in Northern and
Western Europe, the human resources of these activity sectors
are facing a shortage of practitioners, nurses, psychologists
and psychiatrists. In light of the age pyramid, which is narrow
at the base and quite broad at its apex, there is no guarantee
that experiences are being adequately passed on to the
younger generation. The TuTo project is supported by the
expertise of partners from 6 European countries: Germany,
Belgium, Spain, France, Greece and Luxembourg. The
partners are psychosocial facilities, psychiatric hospitals,
training and research centres as well as university
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