We are highlighting, by enforcing Vasile Popeanga`s opinion, the pedagogic character of the institution, a core for building up an atmosphere specific for education in the spirit of time. From the beginning, Å¢ichindeal promoted a new concept of education based on the idea of national identity. He had as reference point the translated volume of Peter Villaume, „Pedagogy and methodology for town and village school teachersâ€; the author was a pedagogue of European openness, taking the role of „unifying new pedagogic ideas into a national system of educationâ€52. The first pedagogy professor, Ioan MihuÅ£, elaborated a manual of pedagogic sciences (deposited in copies at the Archives of Karlovitz, Sibiu and Cluj) structured in four parts: „the needs of folk schools (1); the folk educational system (2); the core of educational act (3) and the explanation of methodological problems (4)â€53. For Ioan MihuÅ£, pedagogy is „the science that teaches you to bring up teenagersâ€. The primary ideas have later on developed into coherent structures for future teachers and their teaching performance.ÂReferences
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