
  • Daniela POPA Transilvania University of BraÈ™ov


parental support, parental involvement, self-esteem, self-efficacy, academic achievement


This research focus on how the high school students perceive their
families support, whether this perceived support from the mother,
father or both influence their academic performance and their level
of self-esteem and self-efficacy. There were investigated 140 high
school students from Brasov County. The study’s instruments are 3
questionnaires that measure the quality of parent-child relationship,
self-esteem and self-efficacy. The results show that self-esteem and
academic achievement are positively correlated with supportive
behaviors of mothers toward their adolescents. The student’s mothers
support their children’s educational needs in greater extent than
their fathers do. More often the students’ perception of their fathers
support and involvement is far less perceived and felt by respondents,
as against to the support perceived from their mother. A relationship
was found between students’ academic achievement at exact science
(chemistry, physics) and supportive behaviors of mothers.


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