Pedagogy – „The Science of Education†- a speculative analysis of the concept -
pedagogy theories, doctrinal conceptualization, science education, perspectiveAbstract
I never set out to determine how to put up a
pedagogy of science education. I note that historically it had
difficulty enough to move away from philosophy (primarily),
then move away from the other two sciences: psychology and
sociology. However, four or five centuries ago, the evolution of
the new"science" had little chance of a rapid and authoritative
development, since every science needs a strong labor for
conceptual delineation to determine the "zone" that it theorize,
to establish principles and methods of analysis of spatial
reference. Finally, the pedagogy will need a sufficiently clear
distinction from psychology, a science oriented on grasping
human knowledge, including the young school apprentices.
Moreover, at least in the formative process of human, scientists
can build a science, which is not addressed to other scholars.
The area of education was mainly theorized by philosophers,
doctors, psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, and,among
them, teachers have diminished their ambitions, not having a
scientific tradition observant enough. The lack of clear prospects
and of edifent successes and failure, the incapacity of
pedagogical theories to energize and vitalize the educational
beliefs and passions have created a distrust of any credible [1]
doctrine's opportunity to resolve the detail and depth of the
paideutic process.
When, finally, the pedagogy has defined its scope of knowledge
as opposed to the other human sciences, teachers have begun toÂ
usurp their own theoretical system and conceptual arsenal.
Accepting various borrowed views, they ignore a crucial fact:an
analysis (or experimental explanation) of the educational
process requires an abstraction, ie a doctrinal conceptualization.
They left this to the psychologists and sociologists who have
rebuilt the representation space and educational paradigms and
models. Therefore, in the "elite teachers,we can find names like
JJ Rousseau (writer), J. Piaget (physiologist and psychologist),
E. Durkheim (sociology), E. Kay, J. Dewey (psychologists), E.
Meumann ( psychologist), M. Montes (doctor), H. Maslow, D.
Goleman, H. Gardner (psychologists), or our Vaschide N., V.
Ghidionescu, D. Tudoran, E. Noveanu, V. Pavelcu, N.
Margineanu, Ion-Dobridor Negret, Radu Ion, Ion Al. Dumitru,
E. BonchiÅŸ(psychologists).
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[ 11 ] Dimitrie Todoran, (1946), Introducere în pedagogie, Tipografia Cartea
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