
  • Ruzica Petrovic Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences – University in Kragujevac Preschool Teacher Training College “Mihailo Palov” – Vrsac


philosophy, science, technology, development


As a specific spiritual field, philosophy has its inner establishment and
duration regulations. To attribute philosophical feature to a reflective activity, it is
necessary for it to fulfil certain assumptions. At individual level, it is necessary for a
spirit to make a shift through personal efforts from self-understanding to self-aware
thinking; what is needed at general level is abundant historical, cultural and spiritual
heritage. Various philosophies have been created in this context within the European
space. The paper considers the possibility of their autochthonous and authentic
grounding, as well as the issue of their permeation and intertwining from the traditional
and contemporary aspect.

Author Biography

Ruzica Petrovic, Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences – University in Kragujevac Preschool Teacher Training College “Mihailo Palov” – Vrsac



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